Research & Development
BatStateU-TNEU Mabini has an on-going research project entitled “Community-Based Monitoring and Mapping System: Tools for Disaster Management Planning and Data Consolidation” in collaboration with Municipality of Mabini specifically under the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO) – Mabini. The general objective of the research project is to develop a Community-Based Monitoring and Mapping System: Tools for Disaster Management Planning and Data Consolidation which specifically aimed to develop a web-based mapping and monitoring system that will provide reports about areas that are affected and show the percentage as to which areas require assistance and relief support in Mabini, Batangas; develop a decision support system that will monitor the relief distribution and operation for every community affected in the municipality; provide a centralized database for the Municipal DRRMO in Mabini, Batangas; provide analytics for the disasters that may impact each Barangay; and produce an open source API for the disaster data set.
During the last phase of the research project, the BatStateU Research Team conducted training for the administrative and end-users of the system in preparation for the initial deployment. In attendance to the said activity were the MDRRMO officers of Mabini, officials from different the barangays of the municipality and the Honorable Mayor Atty. Nilo M. Villanueva.

The BatStateU TNEU Mabini Research Team was recently recognized as the Best Implementer from among the several research presented during the RDES - Central sponsored Agency In-House Review of On-going Research Projects last September 29, 2022 held at the Multimedia Room, 7th Floor, CIRTC Building, Pablo Borbon Campus.
The research project entitled “Community Based Monitoring and Mapping System: Tools for Disaster Management Planning and Data Consolidation” in partnership with the Municipality of Mabini specifically under the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO) was initiated by Dr. Jodi Belina A. Bejer (Project Leader) together with Dr. Sherry Joy A. Del Mundo (Assistant Project Leader), Dr. Edcel Torralba, Mr. Cedric Peterson M. Miraflor and Mr. Joshua C. Abella (Faculty Researchers).

Mr. Joshua C. Abella, BSIT Faculty of BatStateU Mabini was recently recognized as the Best Hackathon Pitch Presenter of Team Care4Juan in the recently conducted "START' Hackathon 2022: Innovative Solutions towards Smart and Creative Communities'' by the Development Academy of the Philippines - Center for Strategic Futures, SMART and Creative Communities Network held at the Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay City on September 13 -15, 2022. Alongside Mr. Abella are BatStateU Mabinis’ 4th year IT students, Marvin Magboo Jr. and Zedric Buiza.

Team Gulway (Darwin Rhey Albo, Mcdoel Famini, Ma. Kassandra Ellaine Domaycos, Christian Bacay and Sherwin Ryan Barraca) of BatStateU TNEU Mabini clinched the FIRST PLACE in the Start up Pitching Competition entitled “SUCCESS Program” during the Technovation Summit held last May 21, 2024 at Steer Hub, BatStateU Alangilan.