The Supreme Student Council of BatStateU The NEU Lipa was successfully established as the highest and biggest student organization inside the campus. The organization envisions to generate future leaders who will govern the community and embody the core values of the University. SSC BatStateU, The NEU Lipa is a council committed to representing the students and promoting a sense of community within the university through initiative, program, and activities that enrich student’s lives. Furthermore, it aims to develop student leaders that are well-equipped in all aspects of life that can contribute to the BatStateU The NEU Lipa and the global community.
College of Accountancy, Business and Economics
With genuine service and commitment to serve and lead, CABE Council strives to fulfill its belief, goal, mission, and vision towards the corner of excellence and success; that success is in the hands of each student; and that the greater the hardships and sacrifices endured, the greater the success and excellence one can achieve. The organization plays an important role in fostering fellowship and solidarity among members and provide measures that will enrich students' knowledge and skills in various fields of accounting, business and economics as well as to protect the students' and society's interests and creating a sense of unity and harmony among CABE members.
Integrated Junior Executives (iJE) is a student-led academic organization composed of students from BSBA- Marketing Management of the College of Accountancy, Business and Economics in Batangas State University The National Engineering University – Lipa City Campus. The organization aspires to be the premier student organization that promotes competency and professionalism among marketing management students at internationally renowned institutions and other schools. The organization provides a forum for interaction, collaboration, and camaraderie in order to improve the quality of students' work, professionalism, and the departmental atmosphere. It also provides opportunities for members to broaden their knowledge beyond the four concerns of the classroom. The officers of the Integrated Junior Executives for the academic year 2022-2023 are determined to give their all in everything they do. They are examples of leaders who know how to enjoy service while also balancing academic performance. They believe that in everything you do, you should give it your all and, most importantly, share your success and joy with others. The accomplishment of one is the accomplishment of all. They support and treat each other as if they were family, and they are always together through ups and downs.
This organization is composed of all Management Accounting students studying in the campus. It was created in view of promoting academic and non-academic excellence as well as moral integrity to oneself and to others. The organization’s function is purposely learning with the business sector. Its belief, goal, mission and vision are all inclined to the corner of excellence and success; that success relies on hands of oneself of every student; that the greater hardship and sacrifices one has endured, the greater the success and excellence one could achieve. The organization plays a significant role in establishing accounting students to become professionals with prominent ideas of being a responsible citizen of the community he is in. It commits to foster advancement in the field of Management Accounting that the student may engage in the future. With this, the organization has upheld the members through the adopted measures for service and excellence. The goal is to develop fellowship and solidarity among the members of the JPAMA, to provide measures that will enrich the knowledge and skills in the different fields of accounting and to protect the accounting students’ interests as well as that of the society. Its objectives are to establish unity and harmonious relationship among Management Accounting students in Batangas State University -Lipa City Campus
Public Administration Student Association is a sub-organization of the College of the Accountancy, Business, and Economics Council, founded in the present year 2022 - 2023 for the students who's taking up Bachelor of Public Administration. The organization is aiming to give the students of Public Administration a great and unforgettable experience in the whole academic year despite the boundaries caused by the pandemic. With the commitment and assistance of PASA in improving the quality of life of the students of Batangas State University The National Engineering University - Lipa Campus. PASA is made to come up with helpful programs and provide activities to improve the student's life and experiences after years of online classes.
Public Administration Student Association members have an important job most especially in being one of the role models in the university. This organization is aiming to have a prosperous journey in academic year 2022 - 2023.
The Young People Management Association of the Philippines (YPMAP) is collegebased student organization from BatStateU The NEU Lipa it is an organization created solely for bonafide Human Resource Management students founded on the year 2020. The student organization aims to provide members the service and training they need to become future managers; to enhance and develop their individual purpose and skills for an overall increase of value and relationship. To raise the members to become outstanding Human Resource personnel by giving them preparation and recognition, for we hold unto
our philosophy that, “Empower the youth and guide their future, as the young people of today are the masters of tomorrow"
College of Arts and Sciences
The Association of College of Arts and Sciences Students is one of the mother organizations of the Batangas State University - The National Engineering University Lipa Campus. The ACASS plays an increasingly significant role in developing youth with professionalism and leadership skills imbued with the ideals of true Filipino who stands prominently in the community and nation. It commits to the advancement of intellectual, cultural, and social growth in the Arts and Sciences and other disciplines that may emerge in the future.
The Circle of Psychology Students (COPS) is a recognized organization under the College of Arts And Sciences department of Batangas State University - The National Engineering Campus Lipa City. COPS is dedicated to developing adequate and competent knowledge of behavior and expanding the student’s understanding of themselves and of other people which will be used to improve the condition of each individual, the whole organization, and the entire society.
is an organization solely in the service of BA Communication students in Batangas State University-Lipa TNEU, responsible for conducting programs and activities to enhance the students’ communicative competence, bringing an environment of good public relations. It commits to the advancement of knowledge to voice out truth and act through it in the excellence for human liberation.
College of Engineering
The Junior Philippine institute of Industrial Engineers (JPIIE) BatStateU TNEU Lipa is an academic organization in which Industrial Engineering students are its members under the College of Engineering Department in Lipa Campus. The organization’s philosophy is “No goal is too high when you climb it with care and confidence.” Its vision is to have a center of higher commitment for the promotion of members, and organization’s moral, social and spiritual aspects. It also aims to uplift the sense of unity as its mission. Decency and loyalty in connection with moral, social and spiritual aspects; to assume a role of responsibilities; to produce a quality scholastic values in our chosen field that ultimately head members to achieve a just, effective and most of all, God abiding and morally upright organizations. It is composed of 11 officers including the 4th and 3rd year rep, Public Relations Officer, Business Manager Auditor, Asst. Treasurer, Treasurer, Secretary, External Vice President, Internal Vice President and the President.
College of Informatics and Computing Sciences
The Alliance of Informatics and Computing Sciences (AICSS) is an academic organization created for bonafide Computer Science and Information Technology students of Batangas State University The National Engineering University - Lipa and is a major organization of the College of Informatics and Computing Sciences. The organization is built to unify the members of the college and to strengthen the bonds of each student. Through this organization, students were provided with webinars and orientations in preparation for their future careers. Furthermore, the organization provides activities that could allow students to practice their spirit of camaraderie and showcase their amazing talents.
College of Industrial Technology
The Alliance of Industrial Technology Students (AITS) is an organization created for bonafide Industrial Technology students of Batangas State University Lipa and is the major organization of the College of Industrial Technology (CIT). The organization is built to demonstrate the spirit of brotherhood, cooperation, and understanding among members; to represent the College of Industrial Technology in the Supreme Student Council (SSC) Lipa; to support and supervise other organizations in their projects and plans for the benefit of the school and the student; to strengthen the spirit of positive values, good manners, and right conduct at home, and at school; and to unify the members of the college and relate harmoniously with other colleges of the University.
College of Teacher Education
The Aspiring Future Educators Guild (AFEG) is the premier organization of the Collegeof Teacher Education at Batangas State University - The National Engineering University on the Lipa Campus that aspires to provide education students with leadership and learning opportunities for their advancement in specific fields of interest towards excellence, efficiency, and effectiveness in achieving future professional goals.