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Extension & Community Services

Extension Program 2020

Title Bangon Batangas: “Relief Operation Project of Batangas State University Balayan Campus”
Location Municipality of Balayan – MSWD and BatStateU ARASOF
Date January 14, 2020
Beneficiaries Local community residents who evacuated from the affected areas due to Taal Volcano Eruption. This project provides them with relief goods.
Nature Community Outreach Program
General Objective To collaborate with other agencies in conduct of the community extension service program
Specific Objectives
  1. To provide/ donate relief goods to those families who were affected by the Taal volcano eruption situated in the evacuation areas in Batangas State University Nasugbu ARASOF Campus.

On January 12, 2020, a catastrophic incident hit the province of Batangas. This incident was the eruption of the Taal Volcano. Devastation hit the province as nearby towns were covered by the ash fall particularly in the nearby towns from the volcano such as the towns of Agoncillo, Laurel, San Nicolas and Lemery. These towns were part of the 14 km danger zone and had been locked down for days. Houses and other infrastructures were buried from ash falls, economy and livestock were down, roads and houses were damaged due to continues shaking of the ground and fear and tension were very visible. People from these towns who were affected rushed and evacuated to areas not affected by the ash fall. Reports said that thousands of people and families were greatly affected by the calamity. The evacuees were immediately rushed to nearby towns not affected by the calamity such as the towns of Balayan and Nasugbu.

In relation to this, the campus planned to provide basic relief goods and commodities necessary to aid those families in need of help and support particularly the campus of Batangas State University which temporarily became evacuation centers. Campuses of Batangas State University that housed the evacuees were BatState U Main I, Main II, Malvar and ARASOF Nasugbu. And in response to the President's call to help out those campuses which houses evacuees, Batangas State university Balayan tapped the Extension Service Office of BatStateU ARASOF Nasugbu for support. Faculty members donated relief goods to those evacuees temporarily sheltering in Batangas State University Nasugbu campus. This was made thru the collaboration to the Extension Office of Nasugbu campus under Mrs. Rojales who accommodated the faculty members during the donation activity.

Extension Program 2021

Title Compassion to Action: Balayanihan sa Panahon ng Pandemya: A BatStateU Balayan Community Outreach Program
Location Barangay Navotas, Balayan Batangas
Date May 31, 2021 / 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Beneficiaries Male and Female Beneficiaries of the Community in Barangay Navotas
Nature Community Outreach Program
General Objective This activity aims to conduct a community outreach project to Brgy. Navotas, Balayan, Batangas and provide assistance for the poor and needy residents of the barangay.
Specific Objectives
  1. Conduct call for food and other donations from May 17 to May 30,2021
  2. Collect donations of food or relief packages for the community pantry
  3. Communicate with the barangay about the plan donation to their community pantry.
  4. d. Provide food assistance for poor communities and teaching the values of charity, equality and generosity on May31, 2021

Short Narrative of the Activity:

BatsStateU Balayan faculty conducted a meeting on May 14, 2021 for the proposed donation drive activity in support to the Community Pantry Activity of Brgy. Navotas, Balayan, Batangas. The said meeting had an agreement that the campus will donate relief good for those families in the areas particulalrly those who suffer from food insecurity. All the donations that will be gathered will be picked up by the Barangay officials headed by Capt. Michael Barrera. Coordination was conducted thru their Brgy. Secretary Kris Lyn Fabricante, and Councilor Sale. On May 31, 2021 BatstateU Balayan under the Extension Service Office in collaboration with the College of Industrial Technology and College of Teacher Education conducted the extension program in our adopted community. This extension services took place at Barangay Navotas, Balayan, Batangas. The said community outreach project was entitled “Compassion to Action: Balayanihan sa Panahon ng Pandemya: A BatStateU Balayan Community Outreach Program”. This project started at eight o’clock in the morning with the help of Barangay Officials to distribute the food donations for the residents, particularly those families in the community who suffer from food insecurity.

Title Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (CEST) Community Needs Assessment
Location Balayan Batangas - Virtual
Date October 30, 2021
Beneficiaries 45 Residents of the Municipality of Balayan Batangas
Nature Technical Assistance and Advisory Services
General Objective The activity aims to assess the needs, problems, or gaps in the community related to the five entry points of the CEST program.
Specific Objectives
  1. Determine the key socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the Households/ groups in the community;
  2. Discuss the current situation of the communities, with focus on needs, problems, and issues in the

    following areas: (a) health and nutrition (b) environmental protection and conservation (c) human

    resource development (d) economic development / livelihood opportunities € disaster risk reduction

    & management and climate change adaptation;

  3. Discuss the various opportunities, strengths, and aspirations of each community and prioritize common concerns/dreams;
  4. Discuss the action plans for each identified aspirations/concerns by the stakeholders;
  5. Provide recommendations and possible S&T interventions appropriate to the assessed needs or problems

Short Narrative of the Activity:

The Community Needs Assessment Study of Balayan, Batangas was commissioned by DOST Region IVA to help co-design with the local government unit the Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (CEST) initiatives for the area. Specifically, it aims to:

  1. determine the key socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the households/groups in the community;
  2. discuss the current situation of the communities, with focus needs, problems, and issues in the following areas: (a) health and nutrition, (b) environment protection and conservation, (c) human resource development, (d) economic development or livelihood opportunities, (e) disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation;
  3. discuss the various opportunities, strengths, and aspirations of each community and prioritize common concerns or dreams;
  4. discuss the action plans for each identified aspirations or concerns by the stakeholders; and
  5. provide recommendations and possible S&T interventions appropriate to the assessed needs or problems.
Title Webinar Topic: Protecting Yourself Online, How to be Cybersecure
Location Webinar via Zoom meeting and Facebook Live
Date November 26, 2021
Beneficiaries Male and Female Senior High School Students of TVL - ICT strand, open to all participants who are interested
Nature Technical Assistance and Advisory Services
General Objective To impart knowledge and information about cybersecurity.
Specific Objectives
  1. Understand different types of malware
  2. Implement a plan to protect their digital life
  3. Recognize threats to online safety
  4. Take steps to reduce the risk of online threats

Short Narrative of the Activity:

The College of Informatics and Computing Sciences & College of Teacher Education, in coordination with the Extension Office-Balayan, spearheaded a webinar on December 2, 2021, on an interesting and timely topic about “Protecting Yourself Online: How to be Cybersecure.” Due to circumstances brought by the pandemic, we become more dependent on technology which poses challenges and greater risks on our personal and work life. Having awareness on how to practice cyber safety, the online viewers were given easy and common-sense ways to protect themselves online and reduce the chances of being a target of online scammers and hackers.

Title Basic Pneumatics and Electro-Pneumatics Webinar at Senior High School TVL EIM
Location Webinar via Zoom meeting and Facebook Live
Date November 24,2021
Beneficiaries Total number of participants from Senior High School were 146, out ofthat number, 99 constituted of Male Participants while 47 constituted of female participants.
Nature Technical Assistance and Advisory Services
General Objective The objective of CIT Training program is to provide relevant and practical training course to pass the TESDA

Competency Assessment in NC II.

Specific Objectives
  1. Understand and explain the fundamentals and physical properties of pneumatics and electropneumaticssystem.
  2. Identify and describe the symbols used in circuit diagrams like power source, directional control valves,auxiliary valves, and cylinders.
  3. Solve pneumatics and electro-pneumatics system problems by constructing circuit and step diagrams. Analyze and infer possible circuit failure based on given parameters and diagnose the problems by troubleshooting procedures.

Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) have limited all their face-to-face transactions due to the COVID Pandemic. They have shifted to the use of online platforms, systems, and applications. Among the HEIs is Batangas State University (BatStateU) – Balayan which offers Industrial Technology. One of the missions of Batangas State University is to establish and solidify community partnerships that would promote sustainable development. The University is carrying out its legitimate purpose of reaching out and helping, sharing the expertise to chosen beneficiaries by sharing the skills, knowledge, and specialization thru extensionists. This skills training establishes a foundation in mechatronics servicing that is useful for future employmentpurposese.It startss with the knowledge of compressed fluid and air respectively based on industrial application. The webinar provides the basic knowledge and principles on pneumatics systems as preparation for the electro-pneumatics system. The working knowledge of this webinar will likewise support training in key qualifications in the newly structured engineering, instrumentation, and technical vocations as preparation for Industry 4.0. Particular values and safety procedures are attached to the fact that participants have the option of learning the skills concerned by working through the hands-on exercises using simulation software independently or by group.

Title Technology Transfer of Developed Coconut Cutter with Shredder Machine
Location Pinagpalang-anak, Calaca, Batangas
Date December 10, 2021
Beneficiaries Sangguniang Barangay of Pinagpalang Anak, Calaca, Batangas particularly the coconut farmers and coconut oil producers
Nature Technical Assistance and Advisory Services
General Objective The general objective of the project is to conduct a technology transfer and skills training on coconut cutter with shredder machine to Barangay Pinagpalang-Anak, Calaca, Batangas. Specifically, it ought to deliver the following objectives:
Specific Objectives
  1. To hand over the machine to the intended beneficiary which is the Sangguniang Barangay of Pinagpalang-Anak, Calaca, Batangas
  2. To explain the use and process of the machine
  3. To demonstrate the preparation and operating condition of the machine.


The project was conceptualized basically as a response to the need of the barangay for innovative and fast coconut cutter and shedder, a machine built in one which could extract and yield huge amount of coconut meat for many varieties of products. This also reflects the University’s commitment to provide sustainable and impact based projects for the community and part of ESO’s 12-POINT AGENDA which is Technology Transfer and Adoptation/Utilization Program. The project was a one-day training concentrating the use and process of the machine. The campus demonstrated the preparation and operating condition of the machine, its significance and value to the community headed by Mr. John Bryan Nanos, a core faculty of the CIT department. The conducted technology transfer of Developed Coconut Cutter with Shredder Machine will benefit the Sangguniang Barangay of Pinagpalang-Anak, Calaca, Batangas particularly the coconut farmers and coconut oil producers because this technology would provide them with a machine that would fasten the process of cutting and extracting coconut flesh which is one of the most difficult, time-consuming and labor intensive part in the process in coconut oil production and other related products derived from coconuts.. It is targeted to benefit 30 male residents of brgy. Pinagpalang-Anak, Calaca, Batangas. Food and venue as well as the transportation for the extensionists and for the machine were provided by the Sangguniang Barangay headed by their Brgy. Captain Hon. Lolita M. Lirac.

Title Design Thinking Webinar for Senior High School Students
Location Webinar via Zoom Meeting and Facebook Live
Date May 16, 2022
Beneficiaries Male and Female Senior High School Students of TVL and STEM strands, BatStateU Students and all participants who are interested.
Nature Technical Assistance and Advisory Services
General Objective General Objectives:

The general objective of this webinar program is to impart knowledge and information about design thinking approach Specifically, at the end of the webinar, the participants must be able to:

Specific Objectives
  1.  Recognize the latest and future issues and challenges in innovation.
  2. Expose the student with state-of-the-art perspectives, ideas, concepts, and solutions related to the design and execution of innovation driven projects using design thinking principles.
  3. Develop an advance innovation and growth mindset form of problem identification and reframing, foresight, hindsight and insight generation.
  4. Prepare the mindset and discipline of systemic inspiration driven by an educated curiosity aimed find new sources of ideas, new connections and new models especially outside their regular operating atmosphere.
  5. Recognize and specify the best problem to solve and restate the problem as a function of its mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive different dimensions.
  6. Propose a concrete, feasible, viable and relevant innovation project/challenge.

Design thinking webinar was an extension activity which was facilitated by the Extension Services Office of BatStateU Balayan in collaboration with the Center for Technopreneurship and Innovation (CTI) located in BatStateU Alangilan. The purpose of the said webinar was to provide awareness to students about what design thinking is all about and how it can benefit future developers. Initially, the target participants of the webinar were intended only for BatStateU particiapnts but since the office believes that this endeavor can also be of greatly help not only the BatStateU community but also other academic community, the office decided to also invite students from Senior High Schools near the campus. Prior to the event, an invitation letter was sent to principals of Senior High Schools: Balayan, Calaca, Tuy and Calatagan in order to promote and invite those students and faculty who are willing to attend. The invitation included the zoom registration link and the link for the facebook live streaming. Posters, zoom backdrop, certificate and google forms were also generated by the technical team to be used for the webinar.

Title Technology Transfer of Ergonomically Designed Motorcycle Lifter
Location Calaca Senior High School, Madalunot, Calaca, Batangas
Date April 19, 2022
Beneficiaries TVL Automotive Strand Students
Nature Technical Assistance and Advisory Services
General Objective General Objectives:

The general objective of the project is to conduct a technology transfer and skills training on ergonomically designed motorcycle lifter to Calaca Senior High School, Calaca, Batangas. Specifically, it ought to deliver the following objectives:

Specific Objectives
  1. To hand over the equipment to the intended beneficiary which is the TVL Automotive Servicing instructors and students in Calaca Senior High School.
  2. To discuss the operating condition and maintenance of the equipment.
  3. To demonstrate on how the motorcycle lifter works.
  4. To provide automotive students with an innovative laboratory equipment that will help them in their respective field of specialization.

The project Technology Transfer of Ergonomically Designed Motorcycle Lifter was conceptualized basically as a response to the needs of the automotive students for ergonomically design and convenient method of motorcycle lifting for the purpose of small-engine repair and maintenance services. Moreso, the improvised lifter was built as a fundamental tool needed in almost every automotive motorcycle shop. This also reflects the University’s commitment to provide sustainable and impact-based projects for the community and part of ESO’s 12-POINT AGENDA which is Technology Transfer and Adaptation /Utilization Program. The project will be a one-day training focusing on how to use, operate and maintain the equipment.

Title Technology Transfer of a Modified Tire Wrench
Location Calaca, Seńor High School, Madalunot,Calaca, Batangas
Date April 20, 2022
Beneficiaries Senior High School Students under Automotive Servicing Track
Nature Technology Transfer and utilization Program
General Objective The general objective of the project is to conduct a technology transfer and skills training on the use of a Modified Tire Wrench in Calaca Senior High School, Calaca, Batangas.
Specific Objectives
  1. To hand over the device to the intended beneficiary which is the TVL Automotive Servicing instructors and students in Calaca Senior High School.
  2. To discuss the operating condition of the hand tools.
  3. To demonstrate the used and application of a modified tire wrench.
  4. To provide automotive students with an innovative laboratory equipment that will help them in their respective field of specialization.

The project was conceptualized basically as a response to the need of the Automotive Servicing students during hand-on activity specifically in loosening and tightening the wheels and other important parts of a vehicle when working on automotive repair services and maintenance. Moreso, the modified tire wrench was developed as a fundamental tool needed in almost every automotive shops. This also reflects the University’s commitment to provide sustainable and impact-based projects for the community and part of ESO’s 12-POINT AGENDA which is Technology Transfer and Adaptation /Utilization Program.

The discussion about the operating condition of the hand tools and demonstration of the usage and application of a modified tire wrench was discussed by the adviser, Mr. John Bryan G. Naños with the assistance of the students of the College of Industrial Technology. Manuals were distributed for student’s reference during discussion.

After the discussion and demonstration, the participants were given a chance to perform the operation of the hand tool. Then afterwards, Batangas State University handed over the hand tool to the intended beneficiary which is the TVL Automotive Servicing instructors and students in Calaca Senior High School.


Extension Services Office

Conducted PAPs

RISE-Western Batangas: Seminar Workshop on Basic Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Grade 11 STEM SDG No. 4 – Quality Education,

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

March 13, 2024
RISE-Western Batangas: Seminar Workshop on Basic Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Grade 11 TVL-ICT SDG No. 4 – Quality Education,

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

April 4, 2024
RISE-Western Batangas: Seminar-Workshop on Basic Pneumatics and Electro-pneumatics for Grade 11 EIM (Group A) SDG No. 4 – Quality Education,

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth,

SDG No. 17 – Partnership for the Goal

April 18, 2024
RISE-Western Batangas: Seminar-Workshop on Basic Automotive Electrical System and Wiring Installation (Group A) SDG No. 4 – Quality Education,

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth,

SDG No. 17 – Partnership for the Goal

April 19, 2024
Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the SEnior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar-Workshop on Basic Pneumatics and Electro-pneumatics for Grade 11 EIM (Group B) SDG No. 4 – Quality Education

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG No. 17 – Partnership for the Goal

April 25, 2024
Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the SEnior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar-Worshop on Basic Automotive Electrical System and Wiring Installation (Group B) SDG No. 4 – Quality Education

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG No. 17 – Partnership for the Goal

April 26, 2024
Leadership Management Training Towards Sustainable and Empowered Business Community for ERPAT Members SDG No. 1 – No Poverty,

SDG No. 2 – Zero Hunger,

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth,

SDG No. 17 – Partnerships for the Goal

April 30, 2024
Empowering Solo Parents in Balayan, Batangas Through Leadership and Management Skills Training SDG No. 1 – No Poverty,

SDG No. 2 – Zero Hunger,

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth,

SDG No. 17 – Partnerships for the Goal

May 24, 2024
2024 International Coastal Clean-up "Clean Seas for Blue Economy and #SeatheChange" SDG No. 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation,

SDG No. 13 – Climate Action

September 21, 2024
Seminar Training on Operation and Maintenance of a Semi-Automatic Vegetable Slicer SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth,

SDG No. 17 – Partnerships for the Goal

October 1, 2024
AIDE-BalSeHigh: Seminar-Workshop on Brand Creation using CANVA Platform for Grade 11 ICT (Group A) SDG No. 4 – Quality Education,

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth,

SDG No. 17 – Partnership for the Goal

November 12, 2024
SMART Math: Strengthening Knowledge and Skills with Strategies and Time Management Techniques SDG No. 4 – Quality Education,

SDG No. 17 – Partnerships for the Goal

November 13-20, 2024
Lesson Up 2.0: Simplified Strategies and Techniques for Advanced English Proficiency SDG No. 4 – Quality Education,

SDG No. 17 – Partnerships for the Goal

November 13-20, 2024
Seminar Training on Operation and Maintenance of a Semi-Automatic Coconut Shredder and Extractor SDG No. 17 – Partnership for the Goal November 21, 2024
Seminar Workshop on the Use of Emerging Technologies and Digital Tools SDG No. 4 – Quality Education,

SDG No. 17 – Partnerships for the Goal

November 25-27, 2024
LEAD: Livelihood Empowerment and Action for Development - Entrepreneurial Skills for Solo Parents (Batch 1 & 2) SDG No. 1 – No Poverty,

SDG No. 2 – Zero Hunger,

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth,

SDG No. 17 – Partnerships for the Goal

December 3-4, 2024
Donate RED: A Mass Blood Donation Drive SDG No. 3 – Good Health and Well-Being,

SDG No. 17 – Partnerships for the Goal

December 6, 2024
Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the Senior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar Workshop on Basic Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Grade 11 STEM Group A & Group B SDG No. 4 – Quality Education

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG No. 13 – Climate Action

SDG No. 17 – Partnership for the Goal

December 12-13, 2024


Conducted Gender and Development PAPs
Seminar-Workshop of Gender and Development and Safe Spaces Act to the Student Leaders of Balayan Senior High School, Balayan, Batangas SDG No. 5 – Gender Equality

SDG No. 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG No. 17 – Partnerships for the Goal

September 30, 2024




Technical- Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Program

Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the Senior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar Workshop on Basic Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Grade 11 STEM

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Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the SEnior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar Workshop on Basic Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Grade 11 TVL-ICT

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Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the SEnior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar-Workshop on Basic Pneumatics and Electro-pneumatics for Grade 11 EIM (Group A)

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Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the SEnior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar-Worshop on Basic Automotive Electrical System and Wiring Installation (Group A)

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Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the SEnior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar-Workshop on Basic Pneumatics and Electro-pneumatics for Grade 11 EIM (Group B)

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Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the SEnior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar-Worshop on Basic Automotive Electrical System and Wiring Installation (Group B)

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Advancing Inclusive eDucation through Collaboration and Engagement in BalSeHigh (AIDE-BalSeHigh): Seminar-Workshop on Brand Creation using CANVA Platform for Grade 11 ICT (Group A)

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SMART Math: Strengthening Knowledge and Skills with Strategies and Time Management Techniques

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Lesson Up 2.0: Simplified Strategies and Techniques for Advanced English Proficiency

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Reinforcing Foundational Concepts in the Social Sciences and General Knowledge

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SMART Math: Strengthening Knowledge and Skills with Strategies and Time Management Techniques

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Lesson Up 2.0: Simplified Strategies and Techniques for Advanced English Proficiency

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Reinforcing Foundational Concepts in the Social Sciences and General Knowledge

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Advancing Inclusive eDucation through Collaboration and Engagement in BalSeHigh (AIDE-BalSeHigh): Seminar-Workshop on Brand Creation using CANVA Platform for Grade 11 ICT (Group B)

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SMART Math: Strengthening Knowledge and Skills with Strategies and Time Management Techniques

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Lesson Up 2.0: Simplified Strategies and Techniques for Advanced English Proficiency

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Reinforcing Foundational Concepts in the Social Sciences and General Knowledge

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SMART Math: Strengthening Knowledge and Skills with Strategies and Time Management Techniques

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Lesson Up 2.0: Simplified Strategies and Techniques for Advanced English Proficiency

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Reinforcing Foundational Concepts in the Social Sciences and General Knowledge

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Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the SEnior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar Workshop on Basic Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Grade 11 STEM Group A

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Reinforcing the Technology Intelligence of the SEnior High School Students in Western Batangas (RISE-Western Batangas): Seminar Workshop on Basic Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Grade 11 STEM Group B

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Technical Assistance and Advisory Services Program

Leadership Management Training Towards Sustainable and Empowered Business Community for Empowerment and Reaffirmation of Paternal Abilities (ERPAT) Members of Balayan, Batangas

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Empowering Solo Parents in Balayan, Batangas Through Leadership and Management Skills Training: Navigating Challenges, Building Success in the Community

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Seminar Training on Operation and Maintenance of a Semi-Automatic Vegetable Slicer

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Seminar Training on Operation and Maintenance of a Semi-Automatic Coconut Shredder and Extractor

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Seminar Workshop on the Use of Emerging Technologies and Digital Tools

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Seminar Workshop on the Use of Emerging Technologies and Digital Tools

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Gender and Development

Seminar-Workshop of Gender and Development and Safe Spaces Act to the Student Leaders of Balayan Senior High School, Balayan, Batangas

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Environment and Natural Resources Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation Program

2024 International Coastal Clean-up "Clean Seas for Blue Economy and #SeatheChange"

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Community Outreach

Donate RED: A Mass Blood Donation Drive of BatStateU TNUE Balayan in Partnership with Philippines Red Cross Batangas Chapter – Nasugbu Branch

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Livelihood and other Entrepreneurship related on Agri-Fisheries (LEAF)

LEAD Livelihood Empowerment and Action for Development A Program for Developing Entrepreneurial Skills to Achieve Sustainable Livelihood for Solo Parents in Balayan, Batangas (Batch 1)

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LEAD Livelihood Empowerment and Action for Development A Program for Developing Entrepreneurial Skills to Achieve Sustainable Livelihood for Solo Parents in Balayan, Batangas (Batch 2)

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