
The university’s program offerings are recognized by the country’s Commission on Higher Education. These are designed to provide opportunities for students to discover their potentials and enhance their technical and creative skills in a vibrant academic environment.

Each program offering is anchored on pragmatic, relevant, and socially responsive curricula that train students to be globally competitive by embracing transdisciplinarity, social intelligence, new media literacy, design mindset, and physical and virtual collaboration. The university believes that these skills are required in the emerging professional and social environments.

Graduate programs are also offered to provide advanced learning in specialized disciplines. These provide professionals more opportunities for career advancement, increase their prospects, and nurture greater intellectual curiosity and passion for inquiry, thus molding them to become leaders, managers, and innovators by developing transformative solutions to real world problems.

Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts

Engineering 1
Engineering 2
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Arts and Sciences

Arts and Sciences 1
Arts and Sciences 2
Arts and Sciences 3
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Accountancy, Business, and International Hospitality

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Informatics and Computing Sciences

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Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics

Nursing ND 1
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Industrial Technology

Industrial Technology 2
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College of Law
College of Law
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Agriculture and Forestry

Agri and Forestry 2
Agri and Forestry 1
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Basic Education

Basic Education 2
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Teacher Education

College of Teacher Education
Teacher education 2
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College of Medicine

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