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Research & Development

Research Presentation


Ermark B. Abenir Regeneration and Ecological Valuation of Terminalia microcarpa Decne in Lobo, Batangas 6th International Symposium- Philippine Native Plants Society Inc.
Ermark B. Abenir We May get lost along the widened road: Impacts of national road widening project on roadside vegetation along Verde Island Passage Marine Corridor (VIPMC). 4th International Symposium-Philippine Native Plants Society Inc
Herbert G. Bańados Jr., Anacleto Caringal+,

Ermark B. Abenir and Mars G. Panganiban

Biodiversity Assessment of Hoya sp. (Apocynaceae) in Lobo, Batangas Philippines 14th NOCEI Research Forum
Ermark B. Abenir, Herbert G. Bañados, Mars G. Panganiban and Romel U. Briones “Floristic Composition in the Limestone Forest of the Monolith Ecotourism Site in Mt. Masalukot complex along Verde Island Passage, Philippines: Input for determination of carrying capacity Research Colloquium 2021, Batangas State University



Ermark B. Abenir

Herbert G. Bańados Jr. and Mars G. Panganiban

Hoya of the Philippine Teak Forest Landscape and Ex-Situ Conservation in Lobo, Batangas Batangas State University’s Virtual Agency In-House Review 2021


Herbert G. Bańados Jr., Romel U. Briones, 

Ermark B. Abenir

“Watershed Characterization through GIS of San Juan River in Batangas Province” Agency In-House Review 2022,

Batangas State University


Rose Marie F. Magnaye, Leiden Marasigan, Quences Aguila, Jayson Castillo and Myrna A. Garcia Factors Affecting Biodiversity and Movement Practices Among Livestock Farmers in Lobo Batangas ASCENT’22, Batangas State University- The National Engineering University, Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
Angelo Ebora, Charlie Cerezo, Janela Cantos, Jhopet Cerezo and Myrna A. Garcia Phenotypic and Morphometric Characterization of Native Chicken in Batangas ASCENT’22, Batangas State University- The National Engineering University, Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
Jenerie C. Evangelista, Renalyn and Romel U. Briones, GIS-Based Characterization and Profiling of Lobo Watersheds Input for Land Use of Watershed Management and Modeling ASCENT’22, Batangas State University- The National Engineering University, Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
Herbert G. Bañados Jr., Ermark B. Abenir and Mars G. Panganiban GIS Mapping of Habitats and Ex-Situ Genetic Conservation of Philippine Hoyas in Batangas Province, Verde Island Passage 6th International Research Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Science, and Technology (IRCIEST): Propelling Transformations and Accelerating Reforms through Research and Innovations
Rigel Chelsea Tegon, Aljim Jay Duenas, Criselda Tulagan and Dr. Myrna A. Garcia Growth and Feed Performance of Broiler Chicken Fed with Madre de Agua (Trichanthera gigantea) ASCENT’23, Batangas State University- The National Engineering University, Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
Rowena Florentino, Myla Meliton and Asst. Prof. Mars G. Panganiban Effects of Different Potting Media Ratios on Germination of Liberica Coffee Seeds ASCENT’23, Batangas State University- The National Engineering University, Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
Anthony P. Perez, Cris Jude O. Magnaye, Leo M. Magnaye and For. Herbert G. Banados, Jr. Floristic Composition and Carrying Capacity of Nalayag Tourism Site: Basis For Sustainable Ecotourism Management Plan In Lobo, Batangas ASCENT’23, Batangas State University- The National Engineering University, Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
Romel U. Briones, Myrna A. Garcia, Mars G. Panganiban, Herbert G. Banados, Jr. and Melmar D.Eje and Anton Louise De Ocampo Massive Propagation Program to Revive the Coffea liberica (Batangas coffee) Industry in Batangas Province, Philippines 2nd Southeast Asian Coffee Education Congress - December 14, 2022
Romel U. Briones, Myrna A. Garcia, Mars G. Panganiban, Herbert G. Banados, Jr. and Melmar D. Eje and Anton P. Louise De Ocampo Factors Influencing Farmer’s Willingness to Venture Back to Coffea liberica Production in Batangas Province, Philippines 2nd Southeast Asian Coffee Education Congress - December 14, 2022