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Extension & Community Services



Name of the Project Faculty Involved Others Involved Clientele/ Beneficiaries
CAFanayamin Natin 2!:Webinar on Organic Farming: Business Opportunity and Challenges Dr. Romel Briones Asst.Prof. Mars G. Panganiban

Ms. Rizza Gonzales For. Ermark B. Abenir

Asst. Prof. Myrna

A. Garcia For. Herbert G.Bañados Jr

City of Agriculture Office, Malvar Batangas 35 Male, 25 Female Core Listeners: Farmers engaged in Organic Farming and other farm enthusiasts in Batangas and nearby provinces.

Peripheral Listeners: Extension workers, Agriculture faculty and students and other farmers/ coming from neighboring provinces

EDUCAF 2 Training on Hydroponics Technology and Establishment of Hydroponics Nursery in Lobo, Batangas (Extension project Delivery of Useful agri-for-technologies for Committed Agriculture and Forestry Farmers) Dr. Romel U. Briones

Asst. Prof. Mars G. Panganiban


Southern Tagalog Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research,  Development and Extension Consortium

Local Government Unit (LGUs) Municipality of Lobo,Batangas

12 male, 7 female beneficiaries from JAVELIPA, a community association from Jaybanga ,Lobo, Batangas
EDUCAF 3: Training on Propagation, Plantation Management and Post- Harvest Processing of Kapeng Barako under BARAKO Project Dr. Romel U.Briones

Asst. Prof. Myrna

A. Garcia


Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Department ofAgriculture/ Bureau of Agricultural Research

Local Government Unit (LGUs) Municipality ofRosario, Batangas

Local Government Unit (LGUs) Municipality ofLipa, City


30 male and 8 female

•  With available land for coffee farming

•  Willing to enter into an agreement to allow the university to monitor and evaluate the performance of the transferred technologies and during the impact assessment at least five years after theproject completion

EDUCAF 5: Training on Propagation, Plantation Management and Post- Harvest Processing of Kapeng Barako under BARAKO Project (Batangas Actions towards Revitalization and Acceleration of Kapeng BaraKO)  

Dr. Romel U.Briones

Asst. Prof. Myra A.Garcia

Pueblo Farms, Rosario, Batangas

Café De Lipa,Lipa City, Batangas

Local Government Units of Batangas Province (Municipalities and cities)

27 Male and

9 Female With available land for coffee farming

•  Willing to enter into an agreement to allow the university to monitor and evaluate the performance of the transferred technologies and during the impact assessment at least five years after the project completion

EDUCAF 7: Training on Propagation and Plantation Management of Kapeng Barako under BARAKO Project Dr. Romel U.Briones

Asst. Prof. Myra A.Garcia

Pueblo Farms, Rosario, Batangas


Café De Lipa,Lipa City, Batangas


Local Government Units of Batangas Province (Municipalities and Cities)

thru Municipal  Agriculture Office, Taysan, Batangas

24 male and 5 female With available land for coffee farming

Willing to enter into an agreement to allow the university to monitor and evaluate the performance of the transferred technologie s  and during the impact assessment at least five years after the project completion

Training on Production and Plantation Management of Kapeng Barako
under BARAKO Project (Batangas Actions towards Revitalization and Acceleration of Kapeng BaraKO)
Project Leader(s):
Dr. Romel U. Briones – Campus Director / RDES Head
Asst. Prof. Myrna A. Garcia – Faculty,Agriculture Program
Asst. Prof. Mars G. Panganiban – FacultyExtensionist/Agriculture Program
Melmar D. Eje, - Faculty Extensionist/Agriculture ProgramAssistant Project Leader(s):
For. Herbert G. Bañados, Jr., FacultyExtensionist/Forestry Program
Dr. Anton Louise De Ocampo, Faculty, CEAFA
For. Ermark B. Abenir/ Faculty Extensionist, Forestry ProgramProject Staff:
Dexter T. Macatangay, Admin Aide VI (RDES Staff)
For. Jhereme T. Mendoza, Farm Foreman
Pueblo Farms,
Rosario, Batangas Provincial
Agriculture Office of Batangas
Department of Agriculture / Bureau of Agricultural
Local Government Units (LGUs)
Municipality of Lobo Batangas
Farmers practices coffee production Registered in LGU-Department of Agriculture in their municipality
Empowering OSWA 1.0: Catalyzing Change ThroughOrientation Workshop on Solar Powered Aerator Technology among Members of Olo- Olo Seaside Workers Association (OSWA) in Brgy. Olo-Olo, Lobo, Batangas Project Leaders (s):
Dr. Anton Louise P. De Ocampo, Faculty Extensionist
Mr. Melmar D. Eje, Project Staff/ Faculty Extensionist
Engr. Mark Justine Domingo, University Research Assistant,
Engr. Carlos Jhay A. Arroyo, University Research Associate
Engr. Mikko De Torres, Project Technical Assistant
Engr. Frank Vincent O. Toralba, Project Technical AssistantAssistant Project Leader (s):
Dr. Romel U. Briones – Campus Director/ RDES Head
Dr. Myrna A. Garcia - Dean / Head of Academic Affairs
Ms. Eva L. Ilagan, Program Chair/Agriculture Program
Asst. Prof. Mars G. Panganiban, Faculty
Olo- Olo Seaside Workers Association
EDUCAF 14:Training on Production and Plantation Management of Kapeng Barako under BARAKO Project (Batangas Actions towards Revitalization and Acceleration of Kapeng BaraKO).EDUCAF Program (Extension project Delivery of Useful agri-for-technologies for Committed Agriculture and Forestry Farmers) Project Leader(s):
Dr. Romel U. Briones – Campus Director / BARAKO Project Leader
Asst. Prof. Myrna A. Garcia – Faculty, Agriculture Program/ BARAKO Study 3 Co-Leader
Asst. Prof. Mars G. Panganiban – Head,RDES / BARAKOStudy 1 Study LeaderAssistant Project Leader(s):
For. Herbert G. Bañados, Jr., Faculty, CAF / BARAKO Study 1 Study Co-Leader
Dr. Anton Louise De Ocampo, Faculty, CEAFA Study 2 Study Leader
Melmar D. Eje, - Faculty, CAF / BARAKO Study 2 Study Co-LeaderProject Staff:
Reynaldo D. Tamba, Jr., Agricultural Technician / BARAKO Project Staff
Jhereme Mendoza, Agricultural Technician / BARAKO Project Staff
Dexter T. Macatangay, Admin Aide VI (RDES Staff)
Office of the Municipal Agriculture and Pueblo Fruits and Vegetable Farm Coffee growers selected and registered under the Project BARAKO of BatStateU Lobo
ADOPT A FARMER: Training on Pig Farm Administration and Biosecurity among Small Producers in Lobo, Batangas Project Leader(s):
Mr. Melmar D. Eje, Faculty Extensionist– Agriculture Program
Asst. Prof. Mars G.Panganiban / Head, RDES Lobo / Faculty Extensionist – Agriculture ProgramAsst. Project Leader(s):
Dr. Romel U. Briones / Campus Director
Dr. Myrna A. Garcia / College Dean
Members (men and women farmers) of people’s organization in Brgy. Jaybanga, Lobo, Batangas
BatStateU-The NEU Lobo Technical Assistance and Advisory Services to LeX Lobo 2023: Learning Express with Singapore Polytechnic and BatStateU-The National Engineering University in
Municipality of
Lobo, Batangas
Project Leader(s):
For. Herbert G. Bañados, Jr. / Head, DEA Lobo / Faculty Extensionist – Forestry Program
Asst. Mars G. Panganiban / Head, RDES Lobo / Faculty Extensionist – Agriculture Program
For. Ermark B. Abenir / Faculty/Extensionist –
Forestry ProgramAsst. Project Leader(s):
Dr. Romel U. Briones / Campus Director
Dr. Myrna A. Garcia / College Dean
Samahan ng Maliliit na Mangingisda sa Pangangalaga ng Kalikasan sa Barangay Lagadlarin (SMMPKBL) and Singapore Polytechnic. Students from BatStateU The NEU and students from Singapore Polytechnic, faculty extensionists, 2 people’s organizations in Lobo
EDUCAF 9: “Palay-Aralan Program sa BatStateU-The NEU”: School-On-Air (SOA) on Smart Rice Agriculture (SRA) Technologies in Collaborationwith the DA-Agricultural Training Institute R4A under the College program: EDUCAF (Extension project Delivery of Useful agrifor-technologies for Committed Agriculture and Forestry Farmer Project Leader(s):
Dr. Vaberlie Mandane-Garcia – Director, Extension Services / Head, Social Innovating Research Center
Dr. Romel U. Briones - Campus Director, BatStateU-The NEU Lobo
Asst. Prof. Mars G.Panganiban- Head, RDES BatStateU-The NEU LoboAssistant Project Leader:
Dr. Myrna A. Garcia - Dean / Head of Academic Affairs BatStateU-The NEU Lobo
Mr. Rico E. Ebora / Mr. Aga Godoy, Agricultural Technologists / DA-Lobo Batangas Agriculture students, agricultural extension workers, rice farmers and college administrative staff