Office of Student Affairs and Services
The Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) aims to mold globally competent and value-laden citizens by striving to enrich students through a holistic approach in providing Student Welfare and Development Programs and Services in consonance with the vision, mission, goals and objectives of Batangas State University and the mandates of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). These basic services and programs ensure and promote student well-being and are designed to explore, enhance and develop the student’s full potential in leadership and social responsibility through various institutional and student–initiated activities that upholds the core values of the university.
Thrusts & Priorities
Provisions of services and programs in the university that are concerned with academic support experiences of students to attain holistic student development. The purpose is to facilitate holistic student growth for active participation in the collective efforts to develop the community and build a progressive nation. These non-academic services are student-centered and three-pronged: student welfare services, student development programs and services and institutional student programs and services.
Contact DetailsÂ
Telephone: (043) 980-0385 loc. 1134
Email address:
FRONTLINE SERVICE: Student Support and Feedback Mechanism Portal
As an educational institution committed to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment, we would like to remind all students of the availability of our student feedback mechanism portal. This platform serves as a direct channel for students to voice their concerns, suggestions, or grievances regarding any aspect of their academic experiences.
Developed with the intention of gathering valuable insights from those at the heart of our institution, this tool empowers students to play an active role in shaping the quality of education provided. We encourage every student to utilize this portal without hesitation, understanding that their inputs are valued and will be treated with utmost confidentiality and respect. Through thoughtful feedback and open communication among students, faculty, and administration, we can work collaboratively toward continuous improvement and student satisfaction.
Remember, your voice matters; together we can make a difference!

The Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) – Central directly supervise the central Testing and Admissions Office (TAO) and Scholarship and Financial Assistance office (SFAO).
The Testing and Admission Office (TAO) provides the services to student applicants in college and Integrated School (IS) as well as to the academic non- teaching staff applicants: a.) Information Services, b.) Testing Services and c.) Admission Services. For the Information Services, the TAO disseminates information about the college programs offered, schedule of admission as well as the list of requirements, contact details and the step by step procedure in admission application. True to its commitment in providing effective testing services, the Office administers standardized admission tests appropriate for the academic levels. In addition, its admission services include revaluation of submitted college application forms and checking of the requirements of applicants which will be the bases for the approval and issuance of examination permit. The Office checks, scores, and interprets tests, prepares psychological reports of academic non-teaching applicants and issues notice of passing to qualified college applicants based on quota set by the University. Each Constituent Campus (Pablo Borbon, Alangilan, JPLPC-Malvar, Arasof-Nasugbu and Lipa) implements the admission policies, procedures and guidelines.
For more information about Testing and Admission Office (TAO), you may visit the office official web page:
Scholarship and Financial Assistance office (SFAO) facilitates the management, generation and/or allocation of funds for scholarship and financial assistance aid to deserving students (CMO 9 s. 2013) supporting them in their pursuit of higher education. SFAO organizes various scholarships and financial assistance from internal and external partners through comprehensive databases and carefully reviewing applications to determine eligibility based on criteria such as academic achievements, financial need, and specific requirements set by donors setting an efficient delivery of student service. Successful applicants are notified and awarded scholarships, with the office overseeing fund disbursement. Additionally, it assists students with compliance and reporting requirements, engages in outreach efforts, and maintains meticulous records. In essence, a scholarship office plays a pivotal role in fostering access to higher education by connecting students with vital financial resources. The SFAO of constituent Campus (Pablo Borbon, Alangilan, JPLPC-Malvar, Arasof-Nasugbu and Lipa) provides services such as application of internal and external funded scholarhip, assist grantees in claiming grants, approval of grantees through scholarship system and preparation of status report of scholars. They implements the general SFAO policies, procedures and guidelines.
For more information about Testing and Admission Office (TAO), you may visit the office official web page:
Student Services monitored by the Office of Student Affairs and Services
(As per CHED Memo No. 9, s. 2013 – Enhanced Policies and Guidelines on Student Affairs and Services)
In accordance with CHED Memorandum Order No. 09, s. 2013 (Enhanced Policies and Guidelines on Student Affairs and Services) and DEPED Order No.: 8 Series 2007 (Revised Implementing Guidelines On The Operation And Management Of School Canteens In Public Elementary And Secondary Schools), the following guidelines for the Food Services in Batangas State University are hereby adopted for the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned.
- Monitors the food safety, hygiene and sanitation of all food business operations in the respective campus, makes spot checks and calls the attention of the staff for noted deviations from the policies and procedures of the university.
- Participates in evaluating canteen tenant applicants based on the set criteria and in the committee’s recommendation to the University President for approval.
- Assists in providing recommendations or actions on any customers’ issues and concerns with regard to canteen services
Contact Details
Telephone no.: (+043) 980-0385 loc. 1134
Email add:
Facebook Page:
Resource Generation Office – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2921
Resource Generation Office – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-0068 loc. 505
Resource Generation Office – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc. 9504
Resource Generation Office – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3126
Resource Generation Office – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1221
The Office of Guidance and Counseling (OGC) is one of the service offices of this University, which extends assistance & guidance to students pertaining to problems in academics and career options, personal problems which concern his/her personality, family problems that affects his/her own peers, their teachers and other individuals, problems with school personnel, psychological problems, educational and career guidance/placement needs. They are unique individuals, who has rights to discover their innate potentials to understand, accept & direct himself/herself towards self-actualization.
The OGC assists in the total growth and development of the students through the various services of the office that assists them in establishing their educational goals, developing a career direction and making personal adjustments to get the most from their student experience. All the services offered by the office are geared towards the attainment of the Batangas State University’s mission and vision.
Guidance and Counseling Services Namely:Â
- Individual Inventory/Analysis
- Referral
- Counseling
- Consultation
Guidance and Counseling Services Available On – Line:
- Request for Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Counseling
- Referral
- Consultation
- E-Counseling
Contact Details
Office of Guidance and Counselling – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2248
Office of Guidance and Counselling – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-219
Office of Guidance and Counselling – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc. 9213
Office of Guidance and Counselling – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3123
Office of Guidance and Counselling – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1834
The Job Placement Office is intended to facilitate Batangas State University graduates (Red Spartans) in searching for a job that matches their skills and qualifications.Â
To carry out full employment and equality of employment opportunities for all, and for this purpose, to strengthen and expand the existing employment facilitation service machinery of the government particularly at the local levels there shall be established in all capital towns of provinces, key cities, and other strategic areas a Public Employment Service Office, Hereinafter referred to as PESO, which shall be community-based and maintained largely by local government units (LGUs) and a number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or community-based organizations (CBOs) and STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (SUCs).
Batangas State University signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) – Regional Office IV-A last June 11, 2013 committing its staff and facilities for the establishment, organization and operation of a University-Based Public Employment Service Office. The said MOA remain in full force and effect until revoked or terminated by both parties in writing.
Services provided:
- Conduct of Career Talk
- Conduct of Exclusive Job Fair
- Facebook Job Posting
Contact Details
Mobile: 0998-993-6944
Facebook Page:
On the Job Training Office – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2134
On the Job Training Office – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-217 loc. 2127
On the Job Training Office – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc 9202
On the Job Training Office – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3129
On the Job Training Office – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1834

Pursuant to Section 30 Article IX CHED Memorandum Order No. 09 Series 2013 9 Enhanced Policies and Procedures on Student Affairs and Services) and in adherence to Section 5 Articles III 1987 Philippine Constitution, the BatStateU Office of Multi-Faith Services ensures that the students’ right to freedom of religion is respected. Â
The University ensures that the right of religion is respected. It is the policy of the   University to provide an environment conducive to free expression of one’s religious orientation in accordance with institutional principles and policies. The University provides mechanism for the use of facilities for Multi-faith activities.Â
Contact Details
Tel Nos.: (043) 980-0385 loc. 1134
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2921
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-0068 loc. 505
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc. 9504
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3126
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1221

Brief Description
The National Service Training Program Office (NSTP Office) is the University unit that manages the implementation of the service training mandated under Republic Act No. 9163 (otherwise known as the NSTP Act of 2001) which provides that all tertiary level students taking baccalaureate or vocational courses must take one of the three components of this service training program, namely, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and Literacy Training Service (LTS).
Committed to provide relevant service training for students, the office oversees military and community-based activities that instills values for development through the 307th NROTC Unit in Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus 1 and Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus 2, Rosario and Malvar and the 401st ROTC Unit in ARASOF-Nasugbu and Balayan Campuses, as well as CWTS and LTS programs in all campuses of the University.
Directly supervised by the VPAA, under OSAS the NSTP Office is headed by the Asst. Director assisted by Heads of campuses and/or coordinators.
Functions, Duties and Responsibilities
The General Functions of the Office include:
- implementation of the mandates of RA 9163, specifically enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of the three (3) program components (ROTC, CWTS and LTS) specially designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to general welfare;
- promoting civic consciousness and develop students’ physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being;
- inculcate the ideals of patriotism, nationalism, and advance students’ involvement in public and civic affairs; and
- motivate, train, organize and involve the students in military, literacy, civic welfare programs, and other similar endeavors in the service of the nation
The Duties and Responsibilities include:
- academic supervision over the design, formulation, adoption and implementation of program of instruction of NSTP components;
- support to University’s involvement in socio-civic and community affairs;
Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives
- Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) / Literacy Training Service (LTS)
To conduct enhancement for civic welfare services geared towards strengthening the values, and traits of the youth, develop social entrepreneurs, volunteers, and socio-economic mobilizing force, serving communities as value-driven innovators for progress and development while working closely with a network of organizations within and outside the higher educational institution.
General Objectives
- Administer the National Service Training Program (NSTP) to those who opted to take military service.
- Support the environmental protection and civil military operation (CMO) activities of Reserve Cenater Southern Luzon.
Specific Objectives
- Conduct the basic military training and advance ROTC.
- Participate environmental protection and civil military operation activities.
- Maintain and operate facilities, equipment and related equipage of the ROTC unit.
Personnel and staff at BatStateU NSTP Main office
- Dr. Romeo M. Guillo, Jr., Asst. Director, NSTP
- Mr. Alfonso Fredericko V. Gonda, Administrative Staff
Contact Details
National Service Training Program Office – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2502
National Service Training Program Office – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-217
National Service Training Program Office – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830
National Service Training Program Office – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3125
National Service Training Program Office – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1995
The On-the-Job Training office major task is to address the needs of the student trainees. One of its main functions is coordinating with cooperating agencies and industries for the necessary feedback that will assist the administration in curricular improvement and students’ skills development.
The Internship Training program aims to cater quality, relevant and responsive related learning experiences for all bonafide students through a carefully planned, and progressive and closely monitored actual work experiences required in a globally competitive labor market.
One of the responsibilities of the university and the OJT Office is to safeguard student interns undergoing internship from harassment, exploitation, deplorable training conditions and such other conditions that contravene or defeat the purpose of internship.
Services provided:
- Conduct of the Joint Orientation Seminar for student trainees
- Signing of Endorsement Letter
- Issuance of Related Learning Experience
- Review and Approval of the proposed Memorandum of Agreement
Contact details
Mobile: 0998-993-6944
Email Address:
Official Facebook Page:Â
On the Job Training Office – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2134
On the Job Training Office – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-217 loc. 2127
On the Job Training Office – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc 9202
On the Job Training Office – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3129
On the Job Training Office – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1834
The Office of Services for Students with Special Needs and Persons with Disabilities (SSSN and PWD) was established to provide programs and activities designed to offer equal opportunities to PWDs, indigenous people, solo parent, etc. (CHED Memorandum No. 09, series of 2013).
The Office as an integral part of the University is mandated to ensure that academic accommodation is made available to persons with disabilities and learners with special needs with proper consultation and conference with students with disabilities themselves, together with their teachers, parents/guardians, personal assistants and other concerned professionals, whenever necessary.
- Individual Inventory/Analysis
- Referral
- Counseling
- Consultation
- Request for Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Counseling
- Referral
- Consultation
Contact Details
Telephone: N/A
Email Address:
Official Facebook Page:
Office of Guidance and Counselling – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2248
Office of Guidance and Counselling – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-219
Office of Guidance and Counselling – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc. 9213
Office of Guidance and Counselling – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3123
Office of Guidance and Counselling – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1834
Brief Description
The Office of Student Discipline is one of the student–service offices of this University which implement rules and regulations. It is committed to serve equally, all involved parties in an unbiased and fair manner. OSD aims to cultivate a strong sense of self discipline within the students in a healthy university environment through disciplinary procedures which are in line with the vision and mission of the university.
Services Provided:
- Receive, evaluate and approve the Request for New ID
- Evaluation for the approval and release of the request for non-wearing of school uniform
- Provide temporary gate pass to requesting students
- Orientation for incoming student trainees
- Orientation/Re-orientation seminar for security personnelÂ
- Answer queries regarding student discipline mattersÂ
- To evaluate the disciplinary proceedings and disciplinary sanctions to erring students to ascertain the proper implementation of disciplinary processÂ
Contact Details
Landline: (043) 980-0385 loc. 1134
Email Address:
Office of Student Discipline – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2147
Office of Student Discipline – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-219 loc. 220
Office of Student Discipline – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc. 9212
Office of Student Discipline – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3125
Office of Student Discipline – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1934
In accordance with CHED Memorandum Order No. 09, s. 2013 (Enhanced Policies and Guidelines on Student Affairs and Services), the following guidelines for Student Housing and Residential Services in Batangas State University are hereby adopted for the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned.
- Conducts survey and evaluation of the school dorm and the private boarding houses in the surrounding areas of the campusÂ
- Provides a list of school dorm and acceptable private boarding houses to students by posting on the FB page and preparing brochures and other informational material.
- Answers inquiry thru email / FB page
Contact Details
Telephone no. (043) 980-0385 loc. 1134
Email add:
Facebook Page:Â
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2921
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-0068 loc. 505
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc. 9504
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3126
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1221
The Office of Student Organizations and Activities implements university programs, policies, rules and regulations in so far as student activities and welfare of the students are concerned. It monitors, supervises, and regulates the operation and activities of duly recognized and accredited student organizations and coordinates with external institutions of off campus participation. It also works coordination with all sectors of the academic community.
Services Offered:
- Spearheading seminars for student leaders
- Answering of queries of student leaders, faculty advisers, coordinators and heads regarding student activities matters.
- Evaluation of required documents of student organizations seeking for approval for renewal and or recognition
- Checking of activities conducted and financial reports of student organizations
- Processing / evaluating of application for TOSA and related matters.
- Posting of Lost and Found Items
- Evaluation the request of student organizations to conduct activitiesÂ
- Approving posters and banners/tarpaulins for display/posting
Contact Details
Telephone: (043) 980-0385 loc. 1134
Email Address:
Facebook Page:
Office of Student Organization – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2847
Office of Student Organization – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-219 loc. 218
Office of Student Organization – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc. 9212
Office of Student Organization – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3110
Office of Student Organization – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1934
The Student Publications of the University plays a crucial role in fostering campus culture, informing students about important issues, and amplifying diverse voices within the student body. By covering a wide range of topics, from politics and environmental concerns to societal trends and cultural developments, the Student Publications empower the students to engage critically and advocate for change within their communities.
Each constituent campus of the university has a publication organ; Pablo Borbon Campus (The Lathe), Alangilan Campus (The Axis), JPLC Malvar Campus (The Laser), Lipa Campus (The Apex) and ARASOF-Nasugbu (The Fishermen).
Services offered:Â
- The University coordinates the administrative and needs of student publications.
- The University recommends the participation of student journalists and publication advisers to different press conferences, seminars and workshops.
- The University evaluates the quality, circulation and content of student publications.
- The University facilitates, program and projects that would enhance the literary and journalistic skills of the student journalists and their adviser.
Contact details
Telephone: (043) 980-0385 loc. 1134
Email Address:
Student Publication (The Axis) – Alangilan
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139; 425-0143 loc. 2117
Student Publication (The Fishermen) – ARASOF-Nasugbu
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 416-0350; 416-0068 loc. 201
Student Publication (The Laser) – JPLC Malvar
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 778-2170; 406-0830 loc. 9201
Student Publication (The Apex) – Lipa
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 774-2526 loc. 3106
Student Publication (The Lathe) – Pablo Borbon
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1927