Student Organizations Nasugbu


Supreme Student Council - BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus

The Supreme Student Council -BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus is the highest student organization that oversees and supervises all the organizations within the campus. It provides projects and activities that aim to support students' development in all aspects of their academic and non-academic life.

PCG - Peer Counselor's Group

The organization's goal is to aid and help student's mental and emotional health, which may have an influence on their academic performance. Also, to be trained in basic counseling skills for the future use. This organization promotes camaraderie and cooperation among members.

YTR - Youth on the Rock

The organization's goal is to produce highly competent, ethical and service-oriented professionals that contribute to the sustainable socio-economic growth and development of the nation. The organization unleash the potential of every student through leadership and integrity, that transform the nation into a Godly generation through different training, programs and social activities.

CABEIHM SC - College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management Student Council

The CABEIHM Student Council is the highest governing student organization undet the College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management that functions as a proponent of camaraderie, enhanced students' potentials and learnings.

JPIA - Junior Philippines Institute of Accountants- BatStateUARASOF Nasugbu Local Chapter

This organization aims to establish the unity and harmonious relationship among accountancy students, to develop socio-civic and cultural consciousness among students through social, economic and cultural development projects, to promote and uphold moral values beneficial to the interest of the accounting students and to build academic excellence and to gain educational advancements in the field of Accountancy.

Junior Marketing Association ARASOF Nasugbu Chapter

 Junior Marketing Association ARASOF Nasugbu Chapter is a professional student-managed national organization devoted to create venues for future marketers of Batangas State University ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus to excel through opportunities that will enhance their knowledge and experience.

Junior People Management Association of the Philippines

The Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) is a national youth organization, guided by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) that commits to develop and empower its members to enable them to grow from academic to professional level as future People Managers of society.

Hotel Management Society

The Hospitality Management Society aims to enhance student skills, knowledge and leadership potentials, through activities that will prepare students to become effective leaders and good citizens.

Tourism Management Society

The Tourism Management Society aims to provide quality education to prepare students for a wide range of careers in accountancy, business, hotel and restaurant management, tourism management, customs and public administration, aspire for continuing education, enhance competencies and hone their leadership to enable them to participate actively in the global market through high quality instruction, research, extension and production which serve as fertile ground for the internalization of values that uplift self, society and environment.

Junior Financial Executives ARASOF-Nasugbu

A competent and good quality of organization that promotes convenient ways of learning Financial Literacies and Business. This organization aims to produce highly competitive students to have a strong foundation of knowledge, outstanding, leadership, and great potential to become business professionals.

College of Arts and Sciences Student Council

The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) believes in molding the students with well-balanced and relevant quality education as preparation for life thru inculcating leadership, discipline and positive values, dynamism and providing vicarious experiences for the total development of CAS students.

Association of Psychology Students

The organization that believes that knowing and understanding every individual contributes in creating peacefully and orderly environment in the University.

Communication Arts Society

The Communication Arts Society is a valuable organization committed to promoting students' welfare, righteousness, and appeals and actively works to manage matters that impact BAC students. It also enables student leaders who are essential in advancing quality education, justice, inclusivity, good governance, and systemic transformation in the face of oppression and other societal actualities.

Criminology Executive Student Organization

The organization believes that promotes core ethical and performance values that will instill good characters in the students. The character development of the students can be attained by providing them a well-balanced and relevant quality education.

Criminology Student Organization

The organization that believes that the total development of the youth can be attained by providing them a well-balanced and relevant qualition education as preparation for life thru inculcating, leardership, good governance, positive dynamism, and vicarious experiences for the total development of CAS students.

Fisheries and Aquatic Environmentalist Organization

Fisheries and Aquatic Environmentalist Organization is the student organization of the BS Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences program, under the College of Arts and Sciences of Batangas State University The National Engineering Univesity ARASOF-Nasugbu Campus founded in August 2022. It is an organization that promotes academic excellence, service, and leadership through various initiatives centered on environmental protection and biodiversity conservation.

College of Engineering and Technology Student Council

College of Engineering and Technology Student Council is the student organization of the BS Computer Engineering and Bachelor of Industrial Technology, aims to develop a well-rounded graduate attuned to the promotion of a national identity imbued with moral integrity and spiritual vigor, with the utmost concern for environmental protection and conversation, and with credible and relevant ideals in the pursuit and furtherance of the chosen profession.

College of Informatics and Computing Sciences Student Council

The student council embraces the mission of sustaining the CICS Department with the firm foundation of leadership and program that will accord the members as unused expertise in line with Computer Science, Information Technology and producing responsive, sensible, and competent student in the CICS Department.

College of Teacher Education Council

College of Teacher Education Council (CTEC) is an organization dedicated to support the university and community for life-long learners by engaging them in various exertion to reach their greatest potential and opportunities to excel. It intends to create aspirational values to develop leaders and students fostering a nature of perseverance, continually learning for improvements and seeking benevolence to help others, and commitment to support the school and society.

Human Kinetics Society BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu Chapter

Our philosophy is to develop determination and encourage every student to actively participate in different sports, music and art events.

Student Body Organization Elementary

The SBO Elementary believes in the potentials and capabilities of each individual for leadership and student management that could further the progress of the community. It helps the elementary pupils excel in their respective chosen field of interests, maintain peace and order between grade levels and sections, and provide a pleasant environment for the pupils to improve themselves.

Student Body Organization High School

Student Body Organization - High School is the chief organization of the High School Department that adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity with all organizations. The organization implements policies of the university, laws, and resolutions of the organization for the benefit of all students and officers of the organization.

Social Science Council

Social Science Council is a united organization that helps to provide the acquired knowledge that every member should need. It assembles every being to apply the virtues and culture that would let them grow with all the potential to be great leaders of tomorrow.