Budget Office

The Budget Office provides timely and accurate reporting of financial movements and ensures financial control of the University’s sources and uses of resources in an efficient, effective and appropriate manner. It is under the direct leadership and supervision of the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance in the operation and implementation of policies and procedures for accounting, budgeting, utilization and disbursement of cash in Financial Services.

The Office’s critical mandate covers budget preparation, budget authorization, budget implementation and budget accountability. It also provides a vehicle for translating educational goals and programs into financial resource plans. Thus, instruction planning (to attain student educational goals) should determine budgetary allocations. This link between instruction and financial planning is critical to effective budgeting. Moreover, the Budget Office provides for a long term financial sustainability and stability of the University.  


The Office is dedicated to provide support for the attainment of the University’s goals and mission through efficient and effective budget formulation, budget execution, performance planning, and procedural implementation of the needs and priorities of the University stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff and alumni in accordance with the principles and standards of good governance.

Landline Number and Email Address
Landline: (043) 723 1066 / (043) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; loc.1214
Email Address: budgetoffice.main@g.batstate-u.edu.phÂ